Database of political terror victims in the USSR explodes past 3 million

A Russian organization is determined to remember the people who were political terror victims in the USSR. Its project, started in 1998, first was published on a CD in 2001 with only 130,000 victims.

Now, Memorial’s project has been moved to a searchable database with information on about 3.1 million political terror victims. The information in this free database cannot be found on any subscription genealogy website.

Some of the details found on political terror victims include full name, birth year, place of birth, nationality, education, place or type of work, place of residence, date of arrest, date of conviction, length of sentence and source where the information was found.

The website can be easily used, even without knowing Russian. Here are translations of the keyword boxes: фамилия is last name, имя is first name, отчество is patronymic middle name (i.e. Ivanovich, son of Ivan) год роджения is birth year and mесто рождения is place of birth. The green button saying искать is the search button.

To search for relatives in the database, follow these tips:

  1. Translate keywords into Russian by using Google Translate or Transliterating English to Russian in One Step in a browser window next to the database.
  2. Copy and paste the translated keywords into the search boxes.
  3. If results don’t appear, eliminate some search criteria until results appear. Also, try all possible surname spellings from Transliterating English to Russian in One Step.
  4. When results appear, click on each name to see the complete information on his or her persecution.
  5. Copy and paste the information into Google Translate to see it in English.

Here’s a sample result from the database:

Then Google Translate will switch the information into English:

The information does not end with this database. The region where the arrest took place has the “secret file” on the prosecution and the file can be opened to relatives to obtain additional information.

Naturally, the regional Federal Security Service office needs the request for information in Russian. That’s easy as copying and pasting the information from the database and merging it into this statement “My relative (name and birth year) was arrested as enemy of the people in (town/city) in (year ) and was under investigation until (year, if known). Later he/she was justified. Please send me extracts from his/her criminal case to the above e-mail address. I’m especially interested in ………..(addresses, education, employer, relatives who lived with them, etc.)

This information would be greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Once you completed that step, copy and paste this statement into Google Translate to get your official request in Russian. The final step is translating “Federal Security Service” and the name of the region where the arrest took place into Russian on Google Translate to find the website for that particular Federal Security Service.

All of this seems like a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the end. Here’s the proof from my own experience-Secret files help complete the life story of five brothers.

Related posts:
SSSHHH!!! Detailed civilian records of Soviet persecution camps declassified………
A shocking sign that some people in the former USSR aren’t scared anymore

10 thoughts on “Database of political terror victims in the USSR explodes past 3 million

  1. taschia

    This is amazing, thank you.
    My great grandfather was picked up November 1937 in Kiev and was never heard of again.
    It was heart-breaking.
    My father remembers that night and my grandmother put it to words so we all know. Except for his destiny. Was he killed instantly?

    Now we have a chance of finally finding out.

    Than you so much for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Greg Serhijenko

    Trying to find some information on my Father,Vasyl Mikhailovitch Serhienko and his older brother Hryhory Mikhailovitch Serhienko who were arrested by the KGB probably in the 1930s. Hryhory who was a teacher in Denysivka,Poltava province was either shot or sent to Siberia as we never heard from him again. Vasyl was sent to a labour camp in Kotlas in the Arctic Circle North of Moscow.


    1. Hello Greg, I see that you have followed my blog. Thanks so much for your interest.

      You need to contact the Ukrainian Secret Service archives. They are very friendly. Send them an e-mail message with everything you know on your father and ask anything possible on the arrest. I don’t think they will say who made the false charges against him but they will tell you everything possible about your father. You will need to write in Ukrainian. Use an online translator website if you don’t know Ukrainian.

      Sorry about your father. That is very sad. My grandmother’s first husband was likely killed by being sent to the gulags twice. I can’t get information on if he died in the second camp because I am not a direct descendant.

      Good luck!



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